
Hydrofoil is a set of web components which make it simpler to build single page applications driven by a (RESTful) API.

It has been created with Hydra in mind but can be used to bootstrap an application with any kind of back end, albeit with additional effort.

Building blocks


The main building block of a hydrofoil is an app shell. It is an abstract web component, which maintains the state of the application and is facilitates transitions between resources.

Itself the hydrofoil-shell element is just a bare minimum and does not render any UI not does it communicate with the back end. The recommended strategy is to inherit the class to build a UI host for application views and import a reusable mixin which

Pages in the Shell section contain instructions on implementing custom integration from scratch and show ready-made elements to quickly bootstrap a Material Design application with Hydra backend.


Project site: https://routing.hypermedia.app/

It is a small library and custom elements which replace traditional MV* routing. The entire routing is simplified to a simple base URL replacement so that the browser location has a 1-1 relation to the API resource URI.

That way the application avoids brittle paths and complicated logic for selecting the views.

The shell let's authors customize the routing behaviour. More details are presented in the Routing section.

lit-any views

Project storybook: https://lit-any.hypermedia.app

The shell delegates rendering to a lit-view element which let's app authors decompose the UI into smaller views which are then assembled dynamically. Each view is essentially a function returning a HTML partial. The choice of particular partial to render is defined the the application based on resource representation.

Read more in the Views section.

lit-any forms

The same library is also used to generate input forms using lit-form element. It follows a concept similar to lit-view, where HTML for individual fields is plugged in as a pure function. The form definition is similar to other tools like Angular formly

Learn more in the Forms section.

Last Updated: 5/3/2019, 11:51:12 AM